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FluidSpace: Improving Employee Experience & Productivity

In an age when work is a thing you do rather than a place you go, the whole purpose of the office has changed. Driven by an appreciation of the link between experience and productivity, the well-being of workers has assumed even greater importance since the start of the pandemic.

Flexibility has become ever more crucial as one of the best ways to increase your workplace experience. The modern workspace should be a place that seamlessly supports workers in their role at every point in the day. A place that enables them to shift between a range of collaborative, cooperative and focussed tasks that comprise their varied and complex working days.

That’s why we created FluidSpace™ - to give companies the flexibility and confidence they need to create exceptional workspaces for their people, and employees the flexibility and confidence to create exceptional work for their company.

But why is FluidSpace™ so central to improving the experience and productivity of your people? And how can it result in tangible improvements for your business? Read on to find out more…

Improving Employee Experience

The move from the dominance of the cubicle office to the open-plan collaborative workspaces so common today is not driven only by costs. As study after study has shown, there is a direct correlation between employee wellbeing and productivity.

Cutting edge workspaces are putting humans at the heart of the design, creating a destination, an experiential place, that people remember for how they felt while in that space – the togetherness that comes from working as a team, the empowerment felt as they choose how and where they work. This has tremendous power to improve worker wellbeing.

Over the last few months, workers have very quickly got used to and now rely on the flexibility and control that working from home afforded them. The lack of real collaboration, on the other hand, is a serious drawback when working remotely. FluidSpace™ can give your people the benefits of both: the choice of where and how to work, as well as the ability to communicate effectively and bond with team members.

To avoid becoming redundant, the role of the office has to focus on how best to support the people using that space in their roles. By creating a leading employee experience in your workspace, you can not only attract and retain the best people for your business but bring your people together to create the social capital that is the unseen glue of every business.

Improving Employee Productivity

However, the impact of FluidSpace™ reaches beyond improving the wellbeing and experience of your employees, as important as it is. FluidSpace™ can have a tangible impact on the productivity and effectiveness of your people.

Different spaces and solutions are required to support your people for the different projects and challenges that they face every day. To effectively complete a report or analysis, they may need time and space to focus in peace. When working on a team presentation or complex project, they may need to communicate to brainstorm around challenges and generate creative solutions for your business and clients.

The traditional workspace, with a choice of a desk or a boardroom, is ill-suited to the flexibility and serendipitous communication that your people need. Dynamic teams need dynamic environments that they can reconfigure to suit their requirements at any time. With a wide variety of mini-environments, FluidSpace™ can seamlessly adapt to meet the needs of your people throughout the day.

As designer Joe Sparano famously said: “Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent”. When your workspace meets the needs of your people so well that they hardly notice it’s even there, many distractions and difficulties are removed, meaning they can focus on what really matters.

FluidSpace: Improving Companies

The importance of employee wellbeing and productivity for companies is obvious and well known, and yet FluidSpace™ has the ability to improve your company in other ways. FluidSpace™ is much more sustainable than traditional Office Fit-out: when your needs change, you can reconfigure and reuse your furniture, rather than throw it away.

The flexibility of FluidSpace™ allows it to adapt and grow with your needs, therefore helping to future-proof this significant investment. With economies and industries changing so rapidly, companies need adaptable workspaces that can be repurposed easily and effectively.

A variety of work environments is now seen as necessary for a modern workforce to fulfil its potential. If your business requires flexibility and adaptability in this time of change and uncertainty as well as an environment that empowers and connects your people, FluidSpace™ can create a solution that works for your company, your people, and your future.

Want to know more? Get ideas for your own FluidSpace™ with our inspiration guide or get in touch to find out how we can help you.


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