Zoning Furniture

A key element of our FluidSpace™ concept, zoning furniture can be used to create enclosed spaces without the need for constructing fixed office partitions. Easily reconfigurable and adaptable, office dividers and acoustic screens help to create agile and flexible workspaces.

Zoning Furniture.
Our range of acoustic office screens is designed to give you the ultimate flexibility in creating an agile workplace. Why build fixed office partitions when beautifully design acoustic screens can quickly and effectively segregate spaces at a fraction of the cost?
Office dividers are an item of office furniture that is often overlooked when designing workspaces. With the rise in popularity of the open-plan office, dividing office partitions and acoustic office screens are becoming increasingly forgotten about. However, they have many uses apart from giving privacy. With their acoustic properties, they can prevent reverberation in an open space, ensuring a comfortable working environment for all your staff.
Why not incorporate office storage as part of your zoning furniture - with open shelving you can create beautiful and flexible dividing partitions that can be quickly and easily reconfigured if your company undergoes an office relocation.